2010년 10월 11일 월요일

My media history

My media history

It is not necessary to say that these days we are so many kinds of Media. I think that we are getting much more involved in media since smart phones are introduced to the market recently. I am watching TV, listening to the radio, surfing the internet and reading news. (Actually these days on the internet, not news papers)

However, the media which influenced on me when I was young was little bit different from one now. When I was six to nine years old I used to watch one of kids programs, bbo bbo boo. This program was so popular not only with kids but also adults. I could say that every kid used to watch this program and every parent knew this program at that time. I always sang the title song of the program and liked to do imitate what the other kids did in the program.

When I little bit grew up about 12 years old, my favorite TV program was one animation which is pocket monster. Even though I did not really like animations, I always needed to watch this and liked to watch because it was like what the children that age had to do. It was not just about the animation on TV. We always wanted to have all things related to the animation, pocket monster. There were lots of products with the pocket monster characters but the one which had a huge influence on children was bread.
By buying that bread we could get the stickers of pocket monster characters. Every elementary school student collected the stickers and the children wanted to have many kinds of character stickers or the stickers which others do not have. The more stickers they wanted, the more bread they needed to buy. Even they threw away the bread and just got the stickers.
During my middle school days, TV and internet were main media for me but when I entered to high school I started to listen to the radio. It was difficult to watch TV and surf the internet because I stayed at school till late at night. So the only media I could keep in touch with was the radio. I never thought about what influence the media had on me at that time but maybe it was like friend, break and the only easy way to get out of the pressure of studying.

These days, as a university student, one media which is really important to me is definitely the internet. Without internet I could say that I can not live. Even I watch TV programs on the internet, read news and text friends. Internet is almost everything in my routine and I think it is same with other students and workers. Recently, smart phones are getting popular. In this wave I guess that the influence of the internet become much greater. If we think of the rapid spread of many SNS (social network service), we would know this.

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